Everything you need to know about Enema and Douche Cleaning
Anal sex and anal play are a current trend in both gay and straight sexual relationship. As we progress with our sexuality, we explorer our other senses and the ever change in the revolution of sex.
If you have a raunchy sex life and like anal sex a lot. We suggested that you or your partner look into using an enema. What is this exactly, how do we go about it, and is it safe?
An enema is a procedure in which water, or some other harmless fluid, is passed into the rectum. It started life as a medical treatment for constipation and various other bowel conditions. In Australia today very few doctors use enemas but, in the US, and in the rest of Europe enemas are still very common.
The anus is erotically sensitive in both sexes and the sensation of a large volume of fluid in the rectum stimulates the internal genital organs. Many men erect spontaneously even when having a medical enema.
Today in Australia there are hundreds of videos, magazines, associations and clubs that celebrate the enema. There is currently a link between domination and enemas, but this is probably just a passing fashion.
Giving an enema is easy and safe if you follow a few basic rules. Work on the principle that you should never put anything into the rectum you wouldn’t swallow. Most couples who are into anal pleasures simply use warm water.
This is stored in some sort of reservoir held not More than 1.2 m (4 ft) above the rectum and passes down a tube to a nozzle that is inserted into the anal canal. The best positions for receiving an enema are lying on your side with your legs drawn up, or on all-fours with your bottom in the air.
Get your partner to lubricate your anus carefully and then gently insert the nozzle. When it is comfortably inside, he can start to let the fluid in. Once you feel the urge to evacuate, get him to stop. The sensation will pass. They can then let more in. You’ll have to see how much is exciting and comfortable but anything from half a pint up to four pints is commonly used.
If it recommended that you perform an enema before any anal play or anal sex activity. This will ensure the area is clean for your partner to explorer.
When you partner knows that the area they are kissing or licking is clean, they will be more comfortable to go further. Also, for hygiene reasons, you don’t want anyone to get sick from licking or sucking on your dirty butt.
There are many types of Enema and douche kits on the market.
Click here for a list of enema douche online to order
We have a huge list of shower attachments kits for enema here
You can buy special shower water diverters here to connect to your current system
Here is one of the best sellers of flow top bag enema we sold online
Click here for the most popular syringe enema product online
Check it out here. Skwert 1-piece Water Bottle Douche
Its very important that you plan out your area well and have all tools ready for the procedure. Sometimes it can get very messy.
For shower connected products, slowly turn on the water outlet. Do not turn on maximum water flow as it will get too strong and the nozzle can come out or you can get injured.
For Syringe, water bottle head connectors, or the bulbs. Squeeze enough pressure to force water into your rectum and let go.
Repeat the process until you see clean water then it is clean.
Depends on your own body you can use the trail and error. Some people might it need more then other.
Just keep do it until you see its clean.
If you need help choosing the right douche for enema. Click here for a full guide on how to choose one.
Some people use fleet enema to start a bowel moving prior to enema procedure to ensure everything is clean out. It’s a solution you can purchase from your local chemist to assist force a bowel movement.
A fast-acting capsule that you take up anally to promote bowel movement before enema.
4 min read
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