A common question we are asked in-store is: how do I find the best-fitting condom? Quite simply, condoms come in many shapes and sizes, so finding the right fit can be tricky. It is important to find the right fit as doing so will help you have a better and safer sex life.
How do you measure up?
The first step to finding the best condom size is to measure the penis. To do this, you can use a ruler, measuring tape, or a piece of string. For the most accurate results, measurements should be taken whilst the penis is erect. If a condom does not cover the entire penis, it will not provide complete protection.
Use the following steps to take an accurate measurement of the penis:
To find the best fit for you, you will need both measurements as manufacturers base condom sizes on both length and width measurements. All quality brands will have a sizing chart available on their website so that you can easily determine a likely fit. In addition, the packaging will usually state the contained condoms’ dimensions.
Safety first!
Condoms are still the most effective way to safeguard against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Â Condoms that are too small may break, and condoms that are too big can slip off the penis.
Follow these simple rules and you will be able to keep yourself and your playmate(s) as safe as possible:
How to use a condom correctly
Condoms are most effective when used correctly. Most condoms are longer than they need to be. If you find that there is too much roll at the base, then you may need a snugger fit. If there is no roll left, then you will require a larger condom.
Follow these simple steps to ensure maximum safety and pleasure:
I just don’t like the way they feel…
We often hear that either party just doesn’t like the way a condom feels. However, condoms come in such a variety these days that it can just be a matter of experimenting and working out what works best for you.
We recommend trying a few different types of condoms out and having an honest conversation with your partner as to which felt most enjoyable and comfortable for you both.
Poor-fitting condoms can also feel uncomfortable during sex. A condom that fits properly will make sex feel SO much better. The best condom is the one that both you and your partner feel most confident and comfortable with.
If the condom is too small, you’re going to restrict blood flow which is uncomfortable, restricts sensation, and can even be somewhat painful at climax. If the condom is too big, it’s going to slide around and again – impact sensation.
If you feel that a condom is a distraction either in the sensation or comfort, then chances are it’s not the right one for you. Once you find the condom that works for you, it’ll quite literally transform how you feel and enable you to enjoy safe sex without distraction.
Our final note…
Another great thing about using condoms is they can be used to desensitize the penis. Some women struggle to orgasm with penetration alone. Therefore, you may want to consider using condoms that enhance the woman’s pleasure further. Here at Funtasia, we also carry a variety of premium textured condoms to add a little something extra to your play sessions.
Come on into one of our three locations to see how we can help you find that perfect fit!
Penrith Sexpert
4 min read
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