What is a lubricant?
Who uses lubricants?
What are the different kinds of lubricants?
What if I am sensitive to lubricants?
What kind of lubricant is best for anal sex?
When you walk into any of Funtasia's locations in eitherWest Ryde,Penrith, orWagga Wagga, you'll be overwhelmed by our massive selection oflubricants. They're some of our most popular products for many reasons.
If you're having trouble choosing a lubricant, that wouldn't be surprising. With so many varieties, flavours, and textures, you will be spoilt for choice.
What is a Lubricant, and Why Should I Use it?
As we always say here, the wetter, the better! No matter what kind of sex you're having, lubricant can only help improve the experience.
The vagina is an amazing body part. It creates its lubrication throughout the day to keep it clean; this is calleddischarge.
During sexual situations, theBartholin and Skene's glands work together to develop additional moisture to make sexual intercourse more comfortable. Getting 'wet down there' is part of the sexual process.
However, it isn't always enough to make sex as excellent as it can be. The amount of lubrication a woman makes will vary throughout their life and even throughout the week.
While men, or penis-owners, createpre-ejaculate or precum when they're aroused, that is a far cry from the amount of lubrication wanted and needed to have enjoyable sex.
It is also important to note that the anus does not create any form of lubrication. To prevent discomfort and tearing, it is imperative to use as much lubricant as possible.
Flavoured lubricants are a great option to make oral sex even more enjoyable as well! As you can see, there is a lube for everything and everyone, but how do you choose?
Getting Started
Not all lubricants are created equal! Especially withwater-based andoil-based lubricants (see more below).
Image of an oil based, and a water based lubricant bottles.
You'll find some lubricants with a ton of preservatives and even derivatives of water and sugar. These ingredients are not suitable for your private parts, especially for vulvas and vaginas.
Inside the female body, many mechanisms are working to keep thepH levels in balance. Adding sugar or yeast into your delicate vaginal ecosystem can cause a lot of issues.
For example, it could cause infection or irritation. It can also make it very difficult for your vulva to get it's pH balance back on track.
For those reasons (and many more), we strongly suggest you stay far away from these common ingredients:
What are the Main Types of Lube?
An excellent question, lovers and lusters!
There are five main types of lube out there; many offer dozens of variations on their core product so that everyone can find one that's perfect for them.
These are the most affordable lubricants that come in the most comprehensive range of flavours, sensations, and so much more. Let's go over so the pros and cons of water-based lube.
The Pros:
The Cons:
While water-based lube is an excellent choice for those seeking versatility, make sure you're choosing one free of any harmful chemicals or ingredients.
Our favourite water-based lubricant at Funtasia isSwiss Navy Paraben and Glycerin Free. It is free from many of those harmful chemicals and provides long-lasting moisture!
Image of Swiss Navy and Wicked Personal Lubriant bottle, both are glycerin & Paraben-free
Silicone-based lubricants are ideal for those suffering from symptoms of menopause or those who want to enjoy anal penetration. This is because it lasts much longer than water-based lubricants and allows for less friction between partners. However, not everything is excellent about silicone-based lubricants, either.
The Pros:
The Cons
While silicone-based products sound great on the surface, there are enough caveats that leave room for concern.
The staff favourite at Funtasia is thePjur Original Silicone-Based lubricant. It contains no fragrances and lasts for longer than anyone could hope for!
These are relatively new to the adult market and come in a massive variety. Many of these plant-based ornaturally-based lubricants are organic, vegan, free from preservatives, and allow for elongated sexual activities!
The Pros:
The Cons
Our favourite low-cost naturally-based lubricant isWet Stuff's Naturally, which is long-lasting and contains probiotics for a happy and healthy vulva!
Still wildly popular, hybrid lubricants usually bring together the best of both worlds, from silicone-based products and water-based products.
The Pros:
The Cons
Want to try a hybrid lubricant? We recommend tryingJo Classic Hybrid, which brings together the best from water-based and silicone-based options.
The longest-lasting of all of the lubricant options makes this ideal for anal activities. You can use some oil-based lubricants with toys, but not many. Some of these can be found in your kitchen. However, westrongly recommend that you only use products that have been designed to be used on/in/around genitals. Oil-Based lubes are not as popular as all of the variations for a few reasons.
The Pros
The Cons
Suppose you are having safe and unprotected sex with a consenting partner and are looking for a durable option. In that case, we recommend theSwiss Navy Grease,which is long-lasting and comes in a convenient tub!
We hope you feel confident in your lube choices from now on! If you're still having trouble choosing the right lubricant, feel free to drop into one of our shops to ask our staff sexperts!
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Get out there, get in there, and get off there!
About the Author:
Sex coach, Sexual Wellness Brand Consultant, & Sexuality Educator
5 min read
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